Baby Stats
2 weeks, 4 days:
8 lbs-21 inches
7 lbs 6 oz- 20.25 inches
Both gained almost 1 lb in only 1 week.
2 weeks, 4 days:
8 lbs-21 inches
7 lbs 6 oz- 20.25 inches
Both gained almost 1 lb in only 1 week.
Posted by
9:14 PM
1 comments Stephen finally got me to look at a mini-van or as Coop calls it a "loser cruiser!" I have come to realize that the Volvo is just not cutting it with three car seats - Cooper likes to "help" his sisters and put their pacifier in.....when they are sleeping of course!! Anyway I am not sold yet, still fighting for the bigger lexus but it looks like I am losing the battle. I guess it is more practical but most of you know that I don't like to be practical especially when it comes to cars. Oh well that is too be continued.
The girls are doing well, we go back to the dr today for a weight check. We think they are both getting bigger and the past two days they have been eating non-stop. So we will see, I will post some pics and their weights later today.
Posted by
8:47 AM
Well this has been a great weekend. We had the girls out almost all day yesterday doing errands and such. They did great in their carseats and slept almost the entire time we were out. We even got really brave and went out to dinner - they did great. Maddie is still a little fussy in the afternoons but overall they are doing much better. We went to Lowes yesterday and you could not believe all the people that asked if they were boys....first of all their car seats are ALL pink and they had on purple and white. After about the fifth person I wanted to say "would you put your boy in pink?" Maybe it was just the hormones talking...ha ha.
They are both really filling out and gaining weight. We take them on Tuesday for a weight check to see how big they are. We can't wait. During the night they are getting up about every 4 to 4 1/2 hours and are both sleeping in their crib together so we are getting some decent sleep. Coops has been sleeping in the past few days which is nice for us to get a extra hour of sleep. We put some pics up from the weekend and hope to put some more up later.
Posted by
11:23 AM
Ahhhh some relief finally! I forgot all about Gripe Water which I heard a long time ago was great for gassy or fussy babies. It is a all natural organic water that consist of agave,chamomile, ginger root and fennel extract. Whatever it is it seems to work, they both slept in their crib all night long waking up once to eat - it was wonderful. Today Coop is out on an adventure with our sitter Cati and I just took the girls for our first long walk and it felt great! We hope that this afternoon stays nice and calm since that is usually their fussy time. If all goes well we may be buying stock in gripe water! I will post more pics later from the last few days.
Posted by
12:04 PM
It has been a few days since we have posted anything because well we have had some long days and nights! So here is a quick run down of what is going on since I have a minute before a baby starts crying....Cooper is doing well, we had a date yesterday morning and it was great for both of us to get out. He got a new slip and slide and loves it! Mom watched the girls and they were great for her. Maddi is VERY fussy and wants to be held all the time, she still has gas problems and does not deal well with them, she gets herself so upset her face turns bright red and screams extreamly loud. She also has NO patience, when she is hungry she wants it now and will scream and quiver until we can get it in her mouth. Morgan is quite the opposite, she is so laid back and content. We always have to wake her to eat and if anything is wrong she makes this little tiny cry which usually means she has gas or a burp. It is funny to watch them both and how different there personalities are. I hate to say it but I think Maddi is like me and Morgan is more like Stephen - at least for personalities - however it is opposite for looks. Everyone says Morgan looks more like me and Maddi like Stephen. I still think it is too early to tell but we will see as they grow each day. Keep those prayers coming, Mom is leaving today - I know it will be hard but we have to get used to it sometime I guess! It is all a little overwhelming right now but we know in time things will settle down...(around December probably!!)
Posted by
8:36 AM
Well another day has passed....the girls are doing well. They have decided that fussy time is around 5-8pm and they go back and forth crying, it is hard since we are trying to do our night routine with Coop at that time. Anyway we will figure it out eventually! Went to the doc for there 1 week check up(a few days late since our doc was on vacation) Maddi weighed in at 7 pounds 3 ounces and Morgan weighed in at 6 pounds 8 ounces. So they are doing well. We have changed there formula over to soy since they were having so many problems and since it looks like they will take after mom having dairy issues. We hope that it is going to help them both out. It is great having my mom here this week she is a huge help - not sure how I would manage with Stephen back to work. We all(mom, me, M&M and Coop) did take a walk to the park this morning, it only took me an hour to get everything packed up!! I will put some more pics up later. We are off to bed now.
Posted by
8:53 PM
We'll spare the pictures on this one.
Posted by
1:48 PM
Happy Father's Day to all the dads! Stephen tried out the laundry basket last night since we had two fussy babies and they loved it. They are both having trouble with gas/bm's so they have both been a little off the last day or so. Morgan finally went last night and is feeling much better today...we are still waiting for Maddi. They slept well again last night and seem to be happy today, they must know it is father's day! We will post more pics later this afternoon once the family arrives.
Posted by
8:33 AM
Well all we can say is we are so blessed!! The girls went to bed last night in their crib around 11pm after feeding at 8:30 - they slept until 12:30 we fed them and got them back down and they slept until 6am!!! They both woke up around 4:30am but we just brought them in bed with us and they both fell back asleep quickly and we did as well. They just love to sleep which is so nice. They only wimper when they are hungry and really have not been fussy at all. Such great babies! Cooper is doing well he just wants to look at them all the time and give them kisses. He is very sweet and has been very understanding so far. We hope it stays that way. In this pic Morgan is on the left and Maddi on the right. Can you tell them apart yet? Maddi has more hair and her face is fuller and Morgan is almost bald and has a long thin face. Check out all the new pics on the picture page.
Posted by
9:15 AM
Well we survived the first week! They are great babies and are sleeping like champs (they take after their mommy!!) We feel very lucky to have two babies that like to sleep and really don't cry much at all. They are doing great sleeping together during the day in the pack and play and last night they slept in the crib all night long together. They woke up two times to eat but went 4 hours between feedings so we all got some sleep. We figured out the closer we put them together to sleep the more they like it. This pic was taken yesterday, Maddi is on the left and Morgan is on the right, they are about the same size but Maddi likes to scoot up to be higher than her sister. Well tomorrow will be the test since we will be on our own - my Mom will be joining us next week so that will be a great help as well.
Posted by
8:36 AM
Well things are getting better each day, we are still learning how to juggle two babies and Coops but right now we are taking turns with the help of Mom and Dad W. who think they are leaving Saturday but we have other plans for them!! The girls have been doing great at night sleeping for the most part, the last two nights they have slept for almost 5 hours straight! However they have been in the bed with us, oooops!! Hey we all need our sleep right? We know this is not a forever thing but you just have to do what you have to do to get through this period. Cooper is doing well with the girls, he kisses them all the time and loves on them, he still can't tell them apart but he is getting better at it. We have been a bit slack on the pictures but we will try to get some more up later today, I am not sure where time goes these days.
Posted by
8:17 AM
Well we are home and Maddi and Morgan decided to test out there lungs last night.....needless to say it was a long night! I think they took turns screaming from around 9pm to 2am if one was happy the other was screaming. Finally they did decide to go to sleep around 2am and slept until 6am. Stephen stayed up for most of the night with them and let me sleep so he is in bed now taking a rest. The girls are happily sleeping now in there pack and play. Here is a pic from yesterday, we will try to post more pics today.
Posted by
8:29 AM
Day 4:
Yesterday was an other perfect day. The girls were, etc. They went to the nursery again last night, so Kim and I are well rested.
We are ready to go home, we think (as long as we can take a nurse with us). The staff at the hospital have been awesome. This was a great experience!
Kim Update: Doing really great. She is getting up and about and is ready to get the babies in the jogging stroller.
Dad Update: This was like a little vacation.
Posted by
6:44 AM
Posted by
6:34 AM
Morgan is the sack of potatoes and Madilyn is the fussy baby. They both slept great until 1am. We both got some sleep too. After 1 am though, Madi didn't get back to sleep that well. She slept on me for an hour this morning then on Kim for an hour while Morgan was loving the basinet all to herself. They both fed around 6:30 and took a good nap. The more we look the more we see the differences in the two. Morgan is a lot lighter in skin tone and has very little blonder hair. Madi has darker and has longer darker hair. Personalities: You can't get Morgy to cry (as I write this she starts crying). Madi...hopefully its just gas.
Kim is doing great. She got a shower and is feeling refreshed. She is out of the hospital gowns and into regular clothes. The pain is a little worse today she says, but the meds our helping.
Dad is doing well. Ready for a coffee, but doing great!
Posted by
8:02 AM
Posted by
10:12 PM
Posted by
1:49 PM
Baby A-Madilyn Chase Waite-7 lbs 1 oz. 7:54
Baby B-Morgan Elizabeth Waite-6 lbs 14 oz. 7:55
Absolutely Beautiful
More to come
Posted by
8:44 AM
6:30am-Kim is having heavy steady contractions pretty close together. 1 hour until C-time. Will we make it?
Posted by
6:35 AM
5:30-We are at the hospital and in the room. We are really anxious. The c-section should be at 7:30. More to come.
Posted by
5:40 AM
This pic was taken before our "date night" on Saturday. The three of us went out to dinner and ice cream and had a fun time together. We are enjoying our last few nights together and a quiet house after 8pm. We know things will change very soon......
Posted by
4:54 PM
June 8th @ 7:30am we will finally meet the girls! We are very excited to have a date and know that there is a end in sight!! This is our last week just the 3 of us, so we are trying to do all the things that we won't be able to do for a while. We just had a picnic at the park for dinner and have a fun but relaxing weekend planned. We will update the site with pics during the week and I know Stephen will post pics of the girls as soon as we can. Here are some pics of Cooper and Mamma.
Posted by
8:18 PM